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Residential and Industrial Zone

As a Settlement Center, the development directions include: Housing, Green Open Space, Educational Facilities, Worship Facilities, Health Facilities, Trade Services, Recreation and Sports.

  • 01 October 2024
  • Bukuan, Palaran

Rp. 3.14 Triliun

  • Publish01 October 2024
  • Kode KBLI68130
  • Payback Period0 Tahun
  • NPV (Net Present Value)Rp.
  • IRR0%
  • Latitude-0.609439
  • Longitude117.231749
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Tentang Investasi

As a Settlement Center, the development direction includes: Housing, Green Open Space, Educational Facilities, Worship Facilities, Health Facilities, Trade Services, Recreation and Sports.

The land development plan in the Housing Zone is carried out to predict the carrying capacity and capacity of the development land. So that from the calculation analysis carried out, it can be predicted the amount of planned land area in each housing zone, the predicted number of housing plot units, and the planned population capacity in the planned area.

Analysis of calculations and predictions of land development plans in the housing zone, the approach to the housing area development plan refers to the basic provisions and technical provisions stipulated in related regulations and regulations, such as:
  1. PP RI No.: 14 of 2016 concerning the Implementation of Housing and Settlement Areas,
  2. Regulation of the Minister of Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia No.: 10 of 2012 concerning the Implementation of Housing and Settlement Areas with Balanced Housing,
  3. SNI 03-1733-1989 concerning Procedures for planning housing environments in urban areas.
Several basic assumptions that are used as benchmarks/guidelines for calculations, such as the ideal land division proportion (70;30); the proportion of land area division for the balanced housing development plan 1:2:3, the planned area of ​​house plots in each development zone, and the assumption of the number of people based on the head of the family (1 family = 5 people).


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