Luas Area ±229.52 km²

Kecamatan Samarinda Utara

Profil Wilayah

North Samarinda is one of the districts in the City of Samarinda, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. is in Lempake District. Generally, those who live in North Samarinda sub-district are transmigrants from Java. This sub-district is the sub-district with the largest area in Samarinda City and this is where APT Pranoto Airport is located. In this sub-district there is a cultural village called Pampang Village as a traditional Dayak cultural village.

Regional boundaries

To the north it borders Kutai Kartanegara Regency

To the east it borders Kutai Kartanegara Regency

To the south it borders Sungai Pinang District and Sambutan District

To the west it borders Samarinda Ulu District and Kutai Kartanegara Regency

North Samarinda District consists of eight sub-districts, namely:

1. Sungai Siring Village

2. Pampang Cultural Village

3. Lempake Village

4. North Sempaja Village

5. South Sempaja Village

6. East Sempaja Village

7. West Sempaja Village

8. Tanah Merah Village
Potensi Wilayah
Potensi Keterangan Bidang

Galeri Potensi Wilayah

Peta Sebaran

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