Membangun satu Kawasan ekonomi terpadu dalam sektor infrastruktur dengan bentuk Rumah Potong Hewan yang berada di wilayah tanah merah kurang lebih berjarak 15 Km dari pusat kota samarinda menjadikan Kawasan yang sangat strategis dalam pembangunan. Kawasan akan terbagai menjadi zona yang terbagi ke dalam beberapa pembangunan.
15 July 2024
This project adopts a comprehensive strategy focused on the preservation and enhancement of both the quality and quantity of protected areas, with a strong commitment to establishing Green Open Spaces (RTH) in Samarinda. The northern part of the city, specifically Samarinda Utara District, is envisioned as a future service hub that will accommodate key functions such as government, healthcare, and education services. This area is also crucial for water resource management, given its role as a water catchment zone. Additionally, the Unmul Samarinda Botanical Garden, located in Tanah Merah Village, Samarinda Utara, serves as a science and conservation center, with planned low-density residential developments surrounding it.